6:30PM Wednesday, January 29th 2025

Directors and Officers

  • Orin Cummings: President & Director
  • Dominick Lewis: Vice President & Director
  • Gideon Walker: Secretary


  • Dues for 2025 are $45 which is the same as last year. Please email timberlinehoa65807@gmail.com for the address of the treasurer.
  • The sinkhole is growing. We as the board will have to decide what to do about this. We plan to get three different options and estimates and put it up for a vote which one we should choose.
  • We need to get a new report from the Greene County geologist as well. This has no cost.
  • We need to make ammendments to our by-laws and covenants but there are two major obstacles to this. The first is that in order to make an ammendment, we would need a “a majority yote of all the members entitled to vote” according to the Bylaws article XI. We struggle to get more than 25% of our members to show up to an annual meeting. The next hurdle would be the cost of hiring an atourney to write the ammendment draft. Our current attourney cost $350 per hour and she estimated it could take as long as 5 hours to re-write the entire covenants.
  • The decision was made to address the growing sinkhole first and then devout our time and money towards getting the by-laws and covenants ammended.
  • The Board will purchase a locked dropbox for dues collection to be placed at the treasurer’s house.
  • Gideon will create a web page with a table of all the dues paid by house number. Resident’s names will not be on the table. This will make it easier for residents to see outstanding dues and we as the board can point people to the website instead of looking each indivdual up.