Ballot for New Directors
Proxy Voting Ballot
Action Item: Complete ballot and turn in by August 21 at 6:30 PM
The last general membership meeting of the Timberline HOA on July 18th, 2023 did not have the necessary number in attendance to constitute a quorum. In order to conduct business a quorum of 34 members is needed.
A new Board of Directors needs to be elected. This must be done by a quorum made up of members voting in person and/or by a proxy at a meeting. This ballot will serve as a proxy vote. If you would like to know more about proxy votes, please read the By-Laws Article V section I, J, and K. This ballot will be sent by email to our email list, delivered hard copy to those not on our email list, and posted on our website.
Here are the options for returning/delivering this ballot.
- Reply to the email with the names of the 3 people you vote for.
- Scan it (or take a picture), of the completed ballot and email the scan to
- Deliver the completed ballot to the drop box at 3875 South Hillsdale Ave before 21 August; (there will be a ‘drop off box’) at the front door.
The final count will take place on August 21 at 6:30 PM.
Name: _____________________
Signature: __________________
Date: ____________________
There are 3 openings and 4 candidates for the Board of Directors. Each household can vote for 3 candidates.
___ Dominic Lewis
___ Oren Cummings
___ Annetta Hill
___ Rob Gully
Write-In Names