Meeting Minutes
There was not a quorum of HOA members present so no business could be conducted.
Approval of Last Meeting Minutes
Deferred till next general membership meeting.
Election of Board of Directors and Officers
Since there was not a quorum, no elections were conducted. There were 3 people nominated to be on the Board of Directors:
- Annetta Hill
- Dominic Lewis
- Orin Cummings
Another meeting will be scheduled to elect the board of Directors. HOA residents will be notified of the time and place. Proxy vote ballots will be utilized to vote on the candidates.
Financial Report
Joyce Vogt presented the financial report. No discussion.
Old Business
Covenants and By-Laws Enforcement: Discussion centered around equal enforcement of the Covenants and By-Laws.
Trash Fees: Glenn Smith had canvassed the local waste disposal companies and reported they all had similar rates. Our rates currently are about $10 per month. A suggestion was made that Republic garbage service be utilized for all of Timberline.
Cracks in the sidewalk: If there are any issues about the streets or sidewalks that the county needs to repair, please notify a Board member.
AT&T cables over the sidewalks and not buried: Fixed by Mr. Hill
Street lights burnt out: If there are any issues about street lights that the county needs to repair, please notify a Board member.
Communication from the Board to the members: Discussion about the best way to communicate information to the HOA residents. Everyone is encouraged to view the HOA website ( ). Also, emails will be sent to those who have provided an email address.
New Business
- 2023 Dues: Dues for 2023 are $43.25. Please make a check or money order payable to “Timberline HOA”. These can be mailed or dropped off to:
- Joyce Vogt 3923 South Ridgeline Springfield, MO 65807
- Glenn Smith 3875 South Hillsdale Springfield, MO 65807
CPA Needed: Glenn Smith has checked with 6 different local CPA’s to have the HOA taxes done. None were accepting new clients. Members are asked to see if they know a CPA to help us.
Proposed Changes/Amendments to Covenants and By-Laws: Changes to the Covenants/By-Laws have been proposed. Copies of the proposed Amendments are posted on the HOA website. Since there was not a quorum, no action was taken. These will be added to the agenda for the next general meeting.
Fireworks: It was suggested that fireworks end at end at midnight on 4th of July in our neighborhood.
Closer monitoring of yard/lawn upkeep: Suggestion by a resident for the Directors to monitor this more closely.
Resident Notifications for HOA Meetings: Discussion about the best way to disseminate information to the HOA. The Board of Directors will follow up on this.
A suggestion was submitted for permanent signs saying “Caution – Children Playing” to discourage speeding. The Board of Directors will evaluate this.
- Another meeting will be scheduled to elect the board of Directors. HOA residents will be notified of the time and place. Proxy vote ballots will be utilized to vote on the candidates.