Meeting Minutes
Next Meeting: The next meeting will be Tuesday 18 July 2023 at the Library Center (on South Campbell by Sam’s)
Board Members
Glenn Smith, President
Gideon Walker, Vice President
Joyce Vogt, Secretary Treasurer
Approval of Last Meeting Minutes
The minutes from the 19 July 2022 General Membership Meeting were approved. Glenn Smith will record minutes
Election of Board of Directors and Officers
- There was not a quorum present at the meeting in order to vote.
- A quorum is defined as 33% of the members of the HOA (see By-Laws Article V). Since there are 103 houses in our HOA, that would be 34. In order to vote on business items, a majority of the present quorum and/or proxy votes are need to pass the item.
- We will plan to schedule a General Membership meeting for July 2023 to elect Directors. We need volunteers to fill these positions! At least one of our acting board members does not want run for election.
Financial Report
The financial report was presented by having the bank statements from July thru December to show all deposits and expenditures.
It was decided that:
- We need to hire a CPA to file our taxes and look over our bank statement
- We need to work with the CPA to decide what our yearly budget should be and how much money we should keep in our bank account
- It was recommended by a member with experience that 1.5 to 2 times the yearly budget should be kept on hand
- Once a budget is proposed and an amount is recommended to keep on hand, we could potentially propose a credit that would be given to members who paid dues last year. Because we have extra cash on hand from the fence/sinkhole issue, a credit could be given in order to “refund” the money.
The Directors will canvas for a CPA to do the HOA tax filing and proceed with developing a budget.
Old Business
The fence around the sinkhole was completed – Resolved.
New Business
Discussion: Covenants and By-Laws Enforcement
If we (the Board of Directors) are going to enforce the Covenants and By-Laws, we have to enforce all of them. Otherwise, it is arbitrary enforcement of rules that may or may not be desired by the majority of the members.
There needs to be a comprehensive covenants review by a meeting of the members so that any rules in the Covenants and By-Laws which we do not want to enforce can be amended.
Specifically, HOA members are asked to review and potentially make an amendment that addresses where and what kind of work vehicle or trailer can be parked on the owner’s property or the street. There are also several other issues discussed that would need to be addressed, such as trash cans not being visible from neighboring property.
The Board will publish this to the HOA members, encouraging everyone to review the Covenants and By-Laws.
Added to July 2023 Meeting agenda
Discussion: Trash Fees
It was proposed that trash fees would be added to the HOA dues and trash would be paid by the HOA.
- Pros are we would have better bargaining power and automatic enforcement of a uniform trash service
- Cons are members may have a hard time coming up with the money to pay trash and HOA fees annually.
- Another con is that it creates a liability for the HOA to pay the trash service regardless of how many members have paid dues.
A proposal needs to be made for an amendment and get it voted into the Covenants and By-Laws.
Follow Up:
To be added to the 18 July meeting agenda.
Discussion: Issues that need to be addressed by the board of directors
- Cracks in the sidewalk - contact Greene County with picture evidence and locations.
- AT&T cables over the sidewalks and not buried - contact AT&T.
- Street lights burnt out - contact City Utilities with picture evidence and locations.
Residents are asked to notify Board members of the location of any sidewalk cracks, any place where cables need to be addressed, or burned out street lights.
The Board will address these and report back to membership.
Discussion: Communication from the Board to the members
- We are not able to communicate effectively with the members
- We have about 2/3 of the members on an email list.
- We are able to post everything that we know on our website, but people don’t know when new content is published
- If we had a list of everyone’s phone number, we could send out text message updates when new content is posted to the website. Texts are more likely to be read by members.
The Board will canvass the HOA members and ask for their phone numbers so we can text to let everyone know when there is new content on our website or if there has been an email sent.
To contact the Board of Directors: Our email address is: (click the “Email Us” button on the nav bar)
Next Meeting: The next meeting will be Tuesday 18 July 2023 at the Library Center (on South Campbell by Sam’s)