HOA Update
Hello Timberline Residents! We (the board of directors) are discussing several issues pertaining to our Covenants that members have been rightly complaining about. Below are the issues listed out and discussed individually.
Annual Meeting
When: Wednesday, January 11, 6:30PM - 9:00PM
Where: Library Center Community Room B (30) - 4653 S Campbell Ave
All HOA members are encouraged to come!
Roberts Rules of Order
We will be following Roberts Rules of Order at our annual meeting. If you wish to participate it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the rules. This will keep the meeting structured and allow for all matters to be addressed.
Election of Officers
Please read the By-Laws Article VI and Article VII.
We will be electing the Board of Directors at the annual meeting. The Board of Directors will then elect the principal officers of the Association. These Officers shall be a President, one or more Vice-Presidents, a Secretary, and a Treasurer. If you wish to be an Officer, please attend the meeting or let the Board know that you would like to be an Officer but cannot attend the meeting. Some important points to note:
- Officers are elected annually by the Board of Directors
- Members of the Board of Directors can fulfill the roles of the officers out of necessity.
- This is not explicitly stated in the by-laws but neither is it forbidden. This has been the case for several previous Board of Directors
- The current Board of Directors is Glenn Smith (President), Gideon Walker (Vice-President), and Joyce Vogt (Secretary/Treasurer). We are also filling the roles of Officers.
- The ideal scenario would be that we would have enough interest in our HOA to have Officers separate from the Board of Directors.
- This would require 7 people total: 3 Board members and 4 Officer positions.
- There is a 2-year term limit for the Board of Directors, but an Officer does not have a term limit. A person can continue to be an Officer as long as they are elected each year by the Board of Directors.
Trailers, Work Trucks, Campers
Please read the Covenants Article IX Section 8
We have had several complaints about trailers and work trucks getting parked on the street and in driveways in our neighborhood. Currently, the covenants do not allow any kind of trailer, work truck (“service vehicle”), or camper on public or private property. We are trying to figure out the best way to enforce this rule. We understand that these things are against the covenant rules, but also several of these trailers and trucks people use for their business and livelihood. We would like to discuss the possibility of making an amendment to the covenants that would allow for specific types of trailers to be parked on private property. This would need to include specific size limits. It would also need to consider where it could be parked, such as only in the driveway. We do not want to allow trailers and trucks to be parked in the street permanently because this poses a safety hazard.
Trash cans and trash service
Please read the Covenants Article IX Section 13
As you know Republic has raised the rates on us this year. We have seen that several people have switched to different trash services. We have to enforce a uniform trash service across our neighborhood according to the covenants. We want to discuss the possibility of adding the cost of trash service to the HOA dues, thus forcing all residents to have the same trash service and also allowing us more bargaining power. We understand that Republic may not be the cheapest service so we will bring quotes to the annual meeting for review.
Trash cans are another related topic. According to the covenants, trash cans must be kept out of sight from neighboring property. We would like to enforce this now because it is not difficult to follow this rule. Some suggestions are to keep your can inside a garage, a fenced backyard, or to build a partition so that the can is not visible.
Yard Signs
Please read the Covenants Article IX Section 18
Political yard signs are not allowed to be displayed in yards. Please remember this for the upcoming election season.
Grass and Landscaping
Please read the Covenants Article IX Section 10
We have had complaints this summer about lawns and landscaping that are not neatly trimmed. This has been the case especially for rental properties. This is hard to enforce because the covenants only use the terms “neatly trimmed, properly cultivated”. We would like to discuss the possibility of adding maximum height of grass and minimum height of tree branches. We are not sure how to quantify “neatly trimmed” landscaping, such as bushes and shrubs. This would be open for discussion. By quantifying the term “neatly trimmed” this will give the board more power and direction to enforce this.
There is not anything about fireworks in our covenants. This means that it falls to the laws in Greene County. We will work to inform everyone about what the laws are in Greene County closer to summer. We will also inform how to make a complaint to the sheriff’s office, as they are the ones who have to enforce this.