HOA Update
Retention Pond:
- The retention pond sinkhole now has a fence around it. The total cost for building this fence was $2450. Thanks to the ‘Fence Committee’ for taking the lead and getting this done.
- The area has been mowed. We (The HOA Board of Directors) are in the process of getting bids so we can do a formal agreement with a lawnmower to mow it on a regular basis.
- Insurance: Our current insurance company has dropped us effective 4 September 2022. We are in the process of getting bids for liability insurance; we currently have 2 offers and have a third one pending. We will review the coverage they offer and select a company before 4 September.
Finance Committee:
The Finance Committee is in the process of reviewing the HOA financial history. This is a complicated procedure and will take more time. General Membership Meeting and Election of Officers: The next HOA Meeting is tentatively scheduled for Wednesday 11 January 2023 at 6:30 PM. The location will be at The Library Center on South Campbell (next to Sam’s Club) in rooms A & B.
General Issues:
We have received concerns from residents about parking of trailers on the street or in driveways. Please review the Covenant regarding this issue. If you have any concerns or questions about this, we can be contacted at TimberlineHOA65807@gmail.com.
ARTICLE IX - USE AND BUILDING RESTRICTIONS Section 8: Motor Vehicles and Trailers.
(a) No mobile or motor home, trailer of any kind, truck larger than 1/2 ton, camper, boat, or permanent tent or similar structure shall be parked, kept, maintained or repaired upon any property or street (public or private) within TIMBERLINE ESTATES SUBDIVISION, between the hours of 12 midnight and 5: 00 A.M., in such a manner as will be visible from neighboring property; nor shall any motor vehicle of any kind be constructed, reconstructed or repaired on public or private property within TIMBERLINE ESTATES SUBDIVISION, provided, however, that the provisions of this paragraph shall not apply to emergency vehicle repairs, or temporary construction shelters or storage facilities approved by the architectural control committee and used exclusively in connection with the construction of any improvement.
(b) Any motor vehicle which is, in the sole discretion of the Board, unsightly or not in keeping with motor vehicles owned by TIMBERLINE ESTATES SUBDIVISION residents, or is a service vehicle or pick-up truck with a camper top or similar top shall be parked in the garage overnight, and shall not be parked in TIMBERLINE ESTATES SUBDIVISION between the hours of 12 midnight and 5:00 a.m. in such a manner as will be visible from neighboring property.