Meeting Minutes
19 July 2022
Board Members
- Steve Brewer, President
- Glenn Smith, Vice President
- Joyce Vogt, Secretary Treasurer
- Gideon Walker, Member
Approval of Last Meeting Minutes
There are no minutes available from any previous General Membership Meeting – no meetings were held during 2021 because of COVID restrictions/lock downs.
Glenn Smith will record minutes.
Steve Brewer (President) resigned from the HOA Board of Directors. By unanimous vote of the HOA residents present, Glenn Smith was elected to by the President of the Board, Gideon Walker as Vice President, and Joyce Vogt to continue as Secretary/Treasurer until General Membership meeting in January when new Board members will be elected.
Financial Report
There was lengthy discussion about past financial reports and the current status of the HOA finances. A motion was made and seconded to form a committee to review the HOA finances.
The following residents volunteered for the committee:
- Mike Evans (Committee leader)
- Andy Reed
- Josefina Garcia
- Annetta Hill
- Brittany Bowser
The committee will report their findings within 90 days.
Old Business
Since there are no minutes from any previous meeting, the ‘Old Business’ will be items from the last HOA Board of Directors Meeting held 23 May 2022.
Fence and Sinkhole:
This is a legal/liability issue. The sinkhole poses a hazard and the HOA is responsible. After lengthy discussion, a motion was made and seconded to have committee of 4 residents to study/review options for addressing the sinkhole and report back to the membership.
The following residents volunteered for the committee:
- Jana Hathaway (Committee leader)
- Toby Stevenson
- Mario Guerreriro
- Orin Cummings
The committee will report their findings within 90 days.
Delinquent HOA Dues
Article VII, section (5), paragraph (a) and (b) of the Covenants and Conditions addresses the issue of HOA members who are delinquent in paying the required dues.
None - informational
Republic Waste Disposal Rates
The current rate for waste disposal is $31.20 per quarter. However, they indicated there would be a rate increase, with a letter going to residents in June. However, there have been articles and reports that the rates will be increased again.
Glenn Smith will contact Republic Waste Services to obtain the latest information and communicate the information to Timberline residents.
New Business
Pay HOA is the property management company hired last year for the Timberline HOA. It is unclear what their responsibilities are.
Glenn Smith is to meet with PayHOA to determine their status with the Timberline HOA
Information will be distributed to the residents.
HOA Annual Meeting
As noted in the HOA By-Laws: Article V, paragraph A
an annual meeting of the HOA shall be held on the second Monday in January at 10:00 AM, for the purpose of electing the Board of Directors and transaction of any other business. If that day is a legal holiday, the meeting shall be held on the next day that is not a legal holiday.
Discussion centered on the time of the meeting.
By unanimous vote of members present, the time will be changed from 10:00 AM to 6:30 PM at a location to be determined.
Glenn Smith will be responsible for organizing this meeting.
Timberline HOA Mail Box and Web Site
Timberline HOA now has a mailbox (email). This can be utilized to send an email to any of the HOA Board Directors. The address is Everyone is encouraged to utilize this service to enhance communication. Gideon Walker is setting up a website for the HOA: This will be used to post information about activities of the HOA and other pertinent information.
A Board member will check the email twice a week and follow-up on any emails.
As soon as the website is ready, the information will be sent out.
Welcome Letter/packet
Joyce Vogt has suggested a “Welcome Letter/packet” to be provided to any new residents. It would include a copy of the Covenants and By -laws as well as (possibly) coupons from local business, etc. Also, an annual HOA garage sale is to be included as part of this project.
Joyce Vogt will get input from residents about this. Volunteers to help with this project are:
- Laura Gordon
- Holly Guerreiro
- Kelly Evans
Information will be distributed to the residents.
Clothes Lines
A request to discuss making clothes lined approved for Timberline neighborhood. Would be nice for large bedspreads, tent drying, etc. and is solar and wind powered so environmentally friendly.
From the Covenants: Article IX, Section 14:
Outside clothes lines or other facilities for drying or airing clothes shall not be erected, placed or maintained on any Lot with Timberline Estates Subdivision unless they are erected, placed or maintained exclusively within an area not visible from neighboring property.
The Covenants do not ban clothes lines as long as they are not visible from a neighbor’s property. Since most properties have a 6’ privacy fence, this does not seem to be an issue if the noted criteria are met. Please let the Board know if any issue arises.
Next Meeting
The next HOA General Membership meeting will be in early January at 6:30 PM. The exact day and location will be distributed as soon as facilities can be reserved.
Minutes submission
Minutes respectfully submitted by:
- Glenn Smith, Board President
- Gideon Walker, Vice President
- Joyce Vogt, Sec/Treasurer